Guides and Outfitters

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hunting by the Phase of the Moon - Does It Really Work?

Hunting season hits and you have thousands of hunters running out to the woods in search of kill. Some may make it happen and others will come back empty-handed. Obviously having hunting skills is a bonus to having a successful hunt. Most serious hunters will do whatever they can to find the prey that they want to get. This includes; better weapons, more practice shooting or bow targets, different hours of the day and night, and much more. It is a dilemma that many hunters come across.

Fisherman learned early on that the moon influences the amount and size of fish that they catch. They diligently go over moon and tide charts as well as follow the moon phases.
Animals themselves are in tune with the nature around them and do certain things by the sun and the moon. They are aware of shifts in nature, from the weather to the tides to the moon and sun rising and falling. For years scientists and researchers have studied and tested the reactions of wildlife to the different phases of the moon and have found interesting patterns that are beneficial to the hunter.

Animals normally are less active and will stay hidden in the daylight. However, they feel safe during the night-time hours because the darkness hides them from other predators, thus many animals will increase their activity after dusk falls.

Researchers have found that one of the most active times if not the most active time is when the moon is the fullest, which means to all the hunters out there, that hunting during full moon times is the best time to get what you want. What this means is; if you are aware of the moon phases and have the skills and the knowledge to hunt then you are in a better position to be awake and hunting when the animals are.

Right now most information and testing has been done on deer hunting and deer activity and there are seasoned hunters that swear they get the best and biggest deer under a full moon. They have also found that other phases of the moon the deer are more prone to certain activity and the moon seems to impact mating times, which makes them easier to find as the males are more focused on the females than the hunters. Not only that, but by learning moon phases in deer patterns you will find that during mating times there are more male deer about.

Like most animals, even human women, the females reproductive cycle is influenced by the different phases of the moon and it has been found that for deer it peaks three or four days surrounding the second full moon after the autumnal equinox. Now if you know about male deer, then you know when does are in heat, the bucks are all a stir, with rubbing and scraping trees and stuff to catch the does attention. Would be a great time if you were hunter to be in the area.

There are some animals that are horrible to hunt during a full bright moon, one that comes to mind is the hog. They are skittish at the best of times and during any lit night they will not come into the open or feed. They will wait for the optimum time of darkness.
It would be silly to think that moon only affects the deer and it is true that other animals find their highest activity during a full moon. Your job then is to fully research the animal you are hunting and when they do things that will make it the easiest for your find. Hunting by moon phases will almost certainly lead to your best hunting season ever.

For more great articles on everything Kentucky and Country Living please go to our Kentucky Farmhouse website. If you are interested in hunting by the moon then you may be interested in moon phases and there importance.
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